PPDA and MEC officials
In the wake of the upcoming 2025 general elections, the Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) and the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) convened on 15 May 2024 for an interface meeting to ensure that procurement processes are aligned to provide trust and confidence from the public.
Recognizing the critical importance of transparent and efficient procurement procedures, particularly in the lead-up to elections, the PPDA reiterated its unwavering support for the MEC's mandate. As part of this commitment, the PPDA has implemented several initiatives aimed at enhancing efficiency and accountability within public procurement processes.
One significant measure taken by the PPDA is the increase of thresholds for goods procurement at the MEC from MK1 billion to MK5 billion. This move decentralizes some of the authority previously held by the PPDA, allowing the MEC to undertake procurements up to MK5 billion without the need for PPDA approval. This adjustment not only demonstrates a commitment to efficiency but also reflects the PPDA's trust in the MEC's capacity to adhere to procurement regulations and laws.
Moreover, the interface meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the ongoing review of procurement legislation. The aim of this review is to identify and mitigate any gaps or challenges within the existing legal framework, ensuring that procurement processes are robust, transparent, and aligned with best practices.
As both the PPDA and the MEC prepare for the upcoming 2025 general elections, the interface meeting underscored the importance of collaboration, transparency, and accountability in ensuring credible and inclusive electoral processes. By working together, both institutions are committed to upholding democratic principles and fostering public trust in the integrity of the electoral system.
As the nation looks ahead to the 2025 general elections, the PPDA and the MEC remain steadfast in their shared goal of delivering transparent, credible, and inclusive electoral processes that uphold the democratic ideals of Malawi.