PPDA New Strategic Plan (2024-2029) in Place
July 18, 2024

PPDA Staff Being oriented to the New Strategic Plan

PPDA Launches Strategic Plan for 2024-2029: A New Era of Excellence in Public Procurement and Asset Disposal

The Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets Authority (PPDA) is proud to announce the launch of its Strategic Plan for 2024-2029. This ambitious plan marks a significant milestone in our journey towards excellence in public procurement and asset disposal, reinforcing our commitment to transparency, efficiency, and accountability.

Staff Orientation: Aligning with the New Vision

In this regard, the PPDA successfully conducted an orientation session for its staff to introduce the new Strategic Plan for 2024-2029. The event marked a significant step forward in aligning the organization’s workforce with the updated mission, vision, values, themes, and cultural transformation goals outlined in the strategic plan.

Key Highlights from the Orientation Session

The session was led by the Director General, Edington Chilapondwa, who emphasized the core aspects that will guide our operations and objectives over the next five years.

In his remarks, the Director General highlighted the importance of cultural transformation, focusing on transparency, integrity, and impartiality as essential pillars for the organization.

“Integrity cascades into the whole being; one can’t have integrity in one area and not in another. It is a character issue; it is who we are. The integrity of the authority is the sum of the integrity of its employees," said Chilapondwa.

He also stressed the importance of transparency: “To be transparent means to allow people to see through you—to see what you do, the processes, procedures, and systems. People can only judge what they see; therefore, we must aim to be transparent in all we do to garner trust from Malawians whose interests we serve.” On impartiality, Chilapondwa encouraged staff to be objective and not let personal affiliations affect their work: “If staff are transparent and have integrity, impartiality is automatic. We should not allow our political, religious, or tribal affiliations to affect our work.”

Looking Ahead: A Commitment to Excellence

As we embark on this new strategic journey, the PPDA is confident that with the dedication and collective efforts of its staff, the organization will achieve its vision of becoming a leading institution in public procurement and disposal of assets management. The strategic plan not only sets the direction for the next five years but also reaffirms our commitment to excellence, transparency, and accountability in serving the nation.

The orientation session concluded on a high note, with staff members expressing their enthusiasm and readiness to embrace the changes and contribute to the PPDA’s mission. Together, we are poised to make significant strides in enhancing public procurement and asset disposal, driving national development, and building a better future for all.

For more information about the PPDA Strategic Plan 2024-2029, please visit https://ppda.mw/general-resources